December 31, 2023
Akira Coffee$902
Tama Filipas$25
Brandon Perna$100
Manasukhani Family Family$600
Super Chat $27,700
From the Super Fans of That's Good Sports Super Chat!
Satish $500
Emma Bolla$50
Peter Sibilia$500
Christine Hartnett$100
Bob Magee$250
Claire Bijon$100
Sophia Su$50
Good luck Jerome!
Matthew Cohen$25
Joseph Celentano$100
Good luck!
Cole Boester$30
Sera Tuz$50
Good luck Jerome!
James and Lorena Cavallo$150
Good luck!!
Gabrielle Chaiban$50
christele fleury$250
regine rey$50
Thierry Pourchet$500
Bravo et merci Jerome! Tu continue a nous inspirer! Bonne chance le 15 Decembre!
Troy Theodosiou$50
The selfless act of doing good for others is one of the purest expressions of humanity. It transcends recognition, reward, or personal gain and instead reflects a deep understanding that our lives are intertwined. To give without expectation is to acknowledge that the world becomes richer when we lift others, that the measure of a life well-lived lies not in what we accumulate but in what we give away. In serving others, we find a quiet fulfillment, a sense of purpose that whispers: we are here to leave the world better than we found it.
Brian K Guillory$25
Dustin Dyer$11
Blandine Fillion$100
Merci Jerome de nous rappeler, par tes nombreux challenges, d'honorer la memoir et de poursuivre le combat de Margo... Incroyable petite guerrière!
Leo Burrell$50
Min Xu$50
Alden Philbrick$100
Dorothee Melis Moutafis$50
Go Jerome!!!
Jordan Ouida$100
Good Luck Jerome
Gerald E Murray Jr$250
Eric L Letellier$100
Dina Glore$100
Bravo Jérôme 👏🏻
Christine Louvet$400
Go Jerome! Go
Sixtine Fleury$10
Bonnet Begoc$100
All the best Jerome ! Go fight win !
Andrea Romano$100
Such a great cause. See you in NZ. Andrea and Pasquale
Bruno Boucquillon$100
Bravo Jérôme … bon courage!💪👏
Georgios Moutafis$100
Good luck champion 💪
Pierre Audrain$100
Toujours plus loin, toujours plus vite et toujours plus fort! Bonne course Jérôme et continue de nous inspirer avec tes exploits magnifiques! Une perpétuelle source d’inspiration! À plus (et tu nous manques grandement…). Pierre
Emma Bobin$50
Paul Burke$50
All the best! Paul
Martin Avidan$150
Radhika Khosharay$50
pierre boulat$15
Joerg Augsburg$100
Anne Duclos$100
laurent jousset drouhin$100